Dorancy Analytics, LLC

Dorancy analytics

At the core of our mission, Dorancy Analytics, LLC specializes in providing research, evaluation, and assessment services and products to empower organizations with actionable insights. We focus on delivering high-quality program evaluations, statistical analyses, and psychometric consulting. We cater to a diverse clientele, including research institutions, corporate entities, healthcare, assessment companies, and nonprofit organizations. Our mission is to empower organizations by transforming complex data into actionable insights, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning

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Our Services

Program Evaluation

We conduct in-depth program evaluations to assess the effectiveness, impact, and efficiency of educational, health, and social service programming. Utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, we provide our clients with detailed insights into their programs' strengths and areas for improvement.

Statistical Support

Our team offers advanced statistical analysis services, including but not limited to regression analysis, multivariate analysis, and multilevel modeling. We help organizations interpret complex datasets, uncovering patterns and trends that inform strategic decision-making.

Psychometric Consulting

With expertise in Classical Test Theory, Item Response Theory, and scale development, we ensure the reliability and validity of assessments. Our services span item analysis, test calibration, and validation studies, catering to educational institutions, certification bodies, and professional organizations.

Our products

Detailed Analytical Reports

Our written reports and PowerPoint presentations translate data analysis into clear, actionable insights. Tailored to various stakeholder needs, these reports highlight key findings, recommendations, and strategic advice.

Customized Data Dashboards

We develop user-friendly, interactive data dashboards that visualize complex data in an accessible format. Using tools like Google Data Studio, we create dashboards for real-time decision-making support.

Educational and Training Workshops

We provide workshops and training sessions on survey design, statistical analysis, and psychometric assessment to empower clients with the knowledge to conduct their own research and analysis.

what sets us apart

Integrated Expertise

Our unique and holistic service offering, which combines rigorous statistical analysis, advanced psychometric techniques, and innovative data visualization, sets us apart from competitors. We provide end-to-end solutions, from data collection to insight generation.

Customization and Flexibility

We pride ourselves on delivering customized solutions that address the specific challenges and objectives of each client, incorporating the latest methodologies and technologies.

Empowerment Through Education

Beyond delivering services, we aim to enhance our clients' internal capabilities through workshops and training,

Collaborative Approach

We work closely with our clients throughout the project lifecycle, ensuring transparency, communication, and a deep understanding of their needs and expectations.

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